Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing holiday and now that 2008 is behind us you are ready to look forward with excitement and anticipation to the New Year!

When I ask people in my acupuncture clinic if they make New Years resolutions most people say “Nah, I don’t bother!” or “Resolutions are ridiculous- if I want to do something I just do it!”

Setting goals are very important in health, relationships, career, personal achievements, learing, and life in general.If you think about it you never actually accomplish any goals if you don’t set any.

What is just as important as setting goals is to write them down. If you look at statistics people who set and write down their goals, are 70% more likely to accomplish them. You of course have to have a plan as to how to achieve your goals but it is significantly more important to determine ‘what’ exactly you are aiming for.

So today, tonight, right now grab something that you can write on- piece of paper, a napkin, or a tolerant small animal- and write down 10 goals you would like to reach in 2009. Write down what you want to accomplish and by when. When is very important!

Be specific, be realistic, and be bold! Keep the list and briefly review it once a week, and have a good look at it once a month. If you do this I can guarantee that you will be well on your way to a happy, and healthy 2009!

~Think Vitality!~

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