Monday, April 13, 2009

Acupuncture Day?

While scanning the headlines I discovered that on April 16th, it is Acupuncture Day! It might be the day that acupuncture was born, but I doubt it. I believe it is a day to try to help bring awareness to the benefits of acupuncture to those who haven’t discovered it yet.

As I’ve been practicing for a few years, I often forget how amazing acupuncture is. I see miracles every single week! I am not exaggerating, every week I see patients that have regained energy, reduced stress, and found balance. But more importantly, I see patients reduce and eliminate pain. Pain can greatly reduce the quality of life. If you can stay pain free for life you are among a minority. There are two types of pain, acute and chronic.

Acute pain
Acute pain is “normal pain.” Acute pain comes from breaking an ankle, stubbing a toe, or hitting your thumb with a hammer. Acute pain is… well painful! It’s usually severe but it will heal with rest and time.

Chronic pain
Chronic pain can be referred to as “pain illness” which can last for days, weeks, and years. It is usually low grade, nagging, and difficult to deal with. Sometimes there may be no obvious reason for chronic pain. Western medicine aims to “manage” pain. Acupuncture aims to heal pain from the inside out.

If anyone has acute or chronic pain they should try acupuncture. It will greatly speed healing, decrease inflammation and swelling, and of course reduce pain. Sometimes just using 5-10 needles around the area of pain can give great relief (known as “ashi points”).

When dealing with chronic pain sometimes you can eliminate it completely, other times (as with treating severe arthritis) you can just manage it. Either way, one can have less pain and improve quality of life!

~Think Vitality!~

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