Monday, April 27, 2009

The Brown Blunder

Have you ever had a luxurious latte sitting in your hand, ready for your ravenous consumption, only to be interrupted by a hint of guilt? Thinking that with all that full fat milk that was used it must be high in calories. Then, to make you feel better one might think, “Wait, I’ll make the healthy choice and use brown sugar instead of white sugar.”

Today’s little bit of health information is brown sugar is white sugar with molasses added back to it after it has been processed. Yes, unfortunately brown sugar has a minimal amount of minerals than white sugar.

Quite honestly, people do better with less of the real thing then trying to replace it with an imitation. This goes for sugar, meat, fat, chips, cookies, baked goods, pizza, fried foods, ice cream, etc.

If you just aim to have a medium instead of mammoth macchiato coffee you will feel that same satisfaction without as much of the negative health benefits. So, go forward and find an appropriate opportunity to spring out this little bit of water cooler information!!
~Think Vitality!~

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