Monday, May 17, 2010

20 minute morning resistance training routine

Day 6 Vitality Challenge:

Breakfast: sauteed greens on eggs with melted camembert.

Knowing that I was going to have to spend the majority of the day in a classroom trying to learn a thing or two, I knew I needed to exercise first thing in the morning. I had limited time so I did the 20 minute Morning Routine. There are basically 3 resistance routines that one can use throughout the week and you will stimulate all the muscles in your body, increase your strength, balance, and bone density.

After years of clinical practice I have seen first hand many times the importance of keeping things simple. Remember that the best exercise is the one that you do!

We will discuss the 3 resistance routines in the near future. In the meantime, try to incorporate at least 1 of the 6 rules of the Vitality Challenge and…

~Think Vitality!~

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