I have been nervously watching the one year mark approach since the date of my last entry and was determined to not let it pass by without at least saying hello. So, hello!
The truth is I have been busy working on another ‘project’ that you will soon hear more about in the upcoming weeks. It has taken a little bit of learning but I am starting to figure out how to efficiently blend blogs, facebook, google, podcasts, and all things technical with the ancient art of qi gong, acupuncture, diet, and healthy living.
I must say it is a very interesting time in history and more than ever we need to make a conscious effort to get healthy and stay healthy. All of us… myself included!
I’ve always appreciated the idea “Show me, don’t tell me.” There is so much information floating around in magazines, cyberspace and in cubicle conversations but it is all pointless without action. Having said that, I am committing myself to reporting at least one thing a day for 30 days that I myself have done to maintain or improve my health, lower stress, or increase vitality. I am going to call it my 30 Day Vitality Challenge. You should join me! Exercise, cook something amazing and healthy, meditate, do yoga, do qi gong, write in a journal, or dance like there is no one watching!
I have started already by going for a 25 minute run first thing this morning. Keep well, feel free to comment and…
~Think Vitality!~
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