Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wedding Season is Approaching

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

~a natural approach to looking radiant!

Glancing at the calender this morning I noticed that summertime wedding season is quickly approaching. Those involved in the wedding party often want to look and feel their best for this special day. If you want to brighten and tone your complexion, reduce wrinkles, or just add some life and color...now is the time to start!

Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is effective and natural. It uses the body's own healing ability to look and also feel fantastic. By placing needles in areas that are wrinkled or tired looking, blood rushes to the area. While the blood is there it heals and rejuvenates the skin. The stimulation from the needle causes an increase in collagen production. It's very simple and effective. The best part is it provides a healthy natural-looking lift without using botox, chemicals or invasive surgical procedures. Most people find it very relaxing and even fall asleep during treatment.

It's best to start facial rejuvenation treatment at least a few weeks prior to the big day.

Also don't forget about facial exercises to tone and strengthen the muscles. People often ask, "Which ones are the best?" My response is the same as with physical exercises, "The most effective exercise is the one that you do!"

Until next time...

~Think Vitality!~

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