Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Truth About Sugar

Vitality Challenge Day 7

I did my part today! After a kendo session I enjoyed an evening ocean walk at a brisk pace. Ahh Victoria! I also avoided sugar throughout the day making sure to check labels.

We all know, or are beginning to know, that we should avoid sugar in our diet. Whether it is white, brown, demerra, yellow, purple or green - sugar is sugar! It affects the body in the same way - causing inflammation and oxidation.

As part of the 30 Day Vitality Challenge you'll notice that eliminating sugar is number one on the list. Avoiding sugar can make such a huge impact on your body and your mind.

But... you don't have to take my word for it! Below is a lecture that has had thousands of views on youtube called "The Bitter Truth About Sugar." It is a little long but the main point is that modern day illnesses are largely caused by the massive increase in sugar consumption over the last few decades.

or watch here:
Sugar: The Bitter Truth

~Think Vitality!~

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