Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Food Revolution

I have been carefully watching the work of Jamie Oliver and the Food Revolution over the last few months.

If you haven't heard, Jamie is a chef from Essex who has been around food all his life. He has a cooking show called "The Naked Chef" and has turned his attention toward helping people - through cooking! His most recent project has been "The Food Revolution" where he addresses obesity in North American and poor nutrition.

The reason I have found his mission interesting is because he is not saying anything 'revolutionary' at all, just simple common sense. We need to eat real foods. If it is something that comes out of a package, has ingredients you don't recognize, or has been processed, you just don't eat it.

I have looked at some of Jamie's recipes and they are... okay. They are not always as nutrient-dense as I would like as he uses a little too much pasta, but what I do like is that he is educating and inspiring people. We should be excited about life, our health, our relationships, our careers, our interests, and our foods! If you are feeling blah about your dinner tonight, try something new and easy. Try a new spice, a different flavour, a new vegetable, or a meat or fish that you haven't had before. You just might be inspired!

Just to let you know, I am still following the 30 Day Vitality Challenge and keeping my side of the bargain! My main objective is to hopefully encourage others (maybe even you!) to do the same.

Day 10 Went for a 25 minute run
Day 11 Ate a delicious fresh home made sunomono salad
Day 12 Did high intensity interval training
Day 13 Did 35 minutes of mindfulness meditation

~Think Vitality!~

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