Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Breakfast of.....I don't really know who eats this!

Vitality Challenge day 2


Bring shallow pot of water up to boil, wash and chop asparagus.
Rummage through the pantry to find some canned wild sockeye salmon. Open can.
Steam asparagus until a bright crisp green (not a sad wilted brown).
Empty salmon into a bowl with pepper, salt, free seasoning, dill (if you like it). Mix well. Slice avocado and place on top of salmon.

Enjoy the wide eyed looks you get from people sitting across from you having their low/no nutrient cereal and grain breakfast. Consume and know that you just did something amazing for your brain, joints, skin, and heart.

Enjoy your day!

~Think Vitality!~


Anonymous said...

Wow, that looks both amazing and strange. You actually had that for breakfast?

Anonymous said...

okay I'm in for the 30 day challenge. Walked for an hour and a half today and made a veggie stir fry!